Prices from £196,500 (exchange rate as of 13 August, is roughly R4,500,000)
Leeds as a market is where Manchester was 5-8 years ago and is expected to see the same bull run, if not more over the next 5-10 years given its price points, yields and stock scarcity.
These units are perfect for investors wanting to start a portfolio in the UK as the price point is accessible. 37-42 sqm apartments, limited number remain for sale. Estimated yield between 6.27% and 7.35%.
Why Leeds?
For those not in the know, the Leeds economy has experienced 40% growth in the last decade.
It is a leading city in the North of England for business, talent and education with the University of Leeds as a top 10 UK university.
By train, London is 2 hours, Manchester 55 mins and Edinburgh 2 hours 55 minutes.